Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

§ 1 General provisions

1. This Privacy Policy sets out the rules for the processing and protection of personal data provided by Customers in connection with their use of the website

2. Komandor S.A. makes every effort to ensure respect for privacy and protection of personal information provided by customers when using the website and takes all necessary precautions to this end.

§ 2 Personal data administrator

The administrator of your personal data will be Komandor S.A. based in Radom (26-600) ul. Potkanowska 50,

You can contact us as follows:
– by post to the following address: ul. Potkanowska 50, 26-600 Radom
– by e-mail:

§ 3 Purposes of processing and legal basis for processing
Purposes of data processing: Legal basis: Processing period:
taking action to respond to the inquiry, prepare a quote and execute the order, Art. 6 section 1 letter b) RODO (GDPR) – necessity to perform the contract to which the User is a party until the consent is withdrawn
measurement and statistics, marketing (including analyzing and profiling data in marketing purposes) products and services of the Administrator, art. 6 section 1 letter f) RODO (GDPR) – legitimate interest of the administrator until an effective objection is raised marketing and sending commercial offers of Completion Plants and Komandor Smart Partners Art. 6 section 1 letter a) – voluntary consent until consent is withdrawn

§ 4 Data recipients

Your personal data may be disclosed to entities cooperating with the Administrators on the basis of concluded contracts, in particular to entities providing services: design, measurement, assembly, support for IT systems used to service customers, marketing, etc. Such entities process data on the basis of concluded contracts. , in accordance with applicable legal provisions regarding the protection of personal data.

§ 5 Your rights related to the processing of personal data

You have the following rights related to the processing of personal data:

1. the right to withdraw consent to data processing,
2. the right to access your personal data,
3. the right to request the correction of your personal data,
4. the right to request the deletion of your personal data,
5. the right to request restriction of the processing of your personal data,
6. the right to object to the processing of your data due to your special situation – in cases where we process your data on the basis of our legitimate interest,
7. the right to transfer your personal data, i.e. the right to receive your personal data from the Administrator in a structured, commonly used machine-readable IT format. You have the right to transfer personal data only with respect to data that we process on the basis of a contract with you or on the basis of your consent,

To exercise the above rights, please contact the Administrator (contact details above).

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority responsible for the protection of personal data, i.e. the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.


§ 6 Transfer of data outside the European Union (EU)

Your personal data may be transferred outside the European Economic Area (EU) only to Google if you consent to the use of cookies. Google is a certified recipient under the United States Privacy Shield, which is tantamount to providing appropriate safeguards to protect data in accordance with Art. 46 section 2 GDPR (RODO).

§ 7 Cookies

1. The website uses cookies. These are small text files sent by the web server and stored by the computer’s browser software. When the browser reconnects to the site, the site recognizes the type of device the user is connecting from. Parameters allow the information contained in them to be read only by the server that created them. Cookies therefore make it easier to use previously visited websites.

2. The information collected concerns the IP address, type of browser used, language, type of operating system, Internet service provider, time and date information, location and information sent to the website via the contact form.

3. The collected data is used to monitor and check how users use our websites, to improve the functioning of the website, ensuring more effective and trouble-free navigation. We monitor user information using the Google Analytics tool, which records user behavior on the website.

4. Cookies identify the user, which allows the content of the website he uses to be tailored to his needs. By remembering his preferences, it allows us to appropriately adjust the advertisements addressed to him. We use cookies to guarantee the highest standard of convenience of our website, and the collected data is used only within Komandor S.A. in order to optimize activities.

5. We use the following cookies on our website:

__unan 6 months, this cookie created by Google Analytics is used to determine new sessions/visits, generates traffic statistics of the website.
__utma 2 years, is an external cookie created by Google Analytics is used for distinguishing users and sessions and generating statistical data regarding website traffic.
__utmz 6 months, is a cookie created by Google Analytics is used for identifying the source of traffic to a website or campaign in order to obtain information about how the user reached the website.
_ga 2 years, the external Google Analytics cookie is used to distinguish users for the purpose of collecting information about visits to website. This cookie helps us identify areas of the website that require improvement. The _ga cookie does not allow this your personal identification as none are tracked
information or personal data.
_gid 24 hours, the Google Analytics cookie is used to distinguish users this needs to collect information about visits to the website.
fe_typo_user, this session Cookie generated by the website’s Content Management System: TYPO3. This Cookie allows you to identify the user and remember his preferences
(e.g. selection of the language version of the website) and actions performed on our website website (e.g. search words). The cookie is created at the moment opening our website and disappears when you close your browser.

6. The user can disable or restore the cookie collection option at any time by changing the settings in the web browser. How to change settings in the most popular search engines:

• Google Chrome

Click on the menu (in the upper right corner), Settings tab > Show advanced settings. In the “Privacy” section, click the Content Settings button. In the “Cookies” section you can change the following cookie settings:

o Deleting cookies,
o Default cookie blocking,
o Default cookies allowed,
o Default saving of cookies and website data until the browser is closed
o Specifying exceptions for cookies from specific websites or domains

• Internet Explorer
From the browser menu (upper right corner): Tools > Internet Options > Privacy, Websites button. We set the level with the slider and confirm the change with the OK button.

• Mozilla Firefox
From the browser menu: Tools > Options > Privacy. Activate the Firefox: “will use user settings” box. Cookies are determined by whether or not to select the Accept cookies option.

• Opera
From the browser menu: Tool > Preferences > Advanced. Cookies are determined by whether or not you select the Cookies item.

• Safari
In the Safari drop-down menu, you need to select Preferences and click the Security icon.

Here you select the security level in the “Accept cookies” area.

Additional personal data, such as e-mail address, name, surname, address, telephone number, are collected only in places where the user has expressly consented to this by completing the form.

§ 8 System logs.

System logs, i.e. event register – a record of information about events and activities related to the website, created in chronological order. They contain data such as the IP address from which a given subpage was accessed, the address of this page and the connection time. We use system logs in particular for statistical purposes. Analysis of system logs also allows you to identify security threats

§ 9 Profiling and automated decision-making

Your data will be processed by the Administrator in an automated manner, but this will not produce any legal effects for you or similarly significantly affect your situation.

Profiling of personal data by the Administrator involves processing your data (also in an automated manner) by using them to evaluate certain information for statistical purposes, monitoring traffic on the Website and marketing analysis.

§ 10 Updates to the Privacy Policy

The Website reserves the right to change the privacy policy if required by the applicable laws, the technological conditions for the operation of the Website change or the change introduces a standard higher than the minimum required by law.

GDPR policy (RODO)

Personal data administrator

The administrator of your personal data will be Komandor S.A. based in Radom (26-600) ul. Potkanowska 50

You can contact us as follows:
– by post to the following address: ul. Potkanowska 50, 26-600 Radom, Poland
– by e-mail:

Purposes of processing and legal basis for processing

a) taking action at your request, i.e. responding to your inquiry, preparing a valuation of the Komandor Smart development (Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR – RODO),
b) responding to all inquiries and contacting you in this regard (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR – RODO)
c) the legitimate interest of the Administrator in the form of marketing the products and services of the Administrator or a third party, contact, including correspondence and defense against potential claims. (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR – RODO).

Please be advised that providing data is voluntary, but necessary to arrange and carry out a measurement or quotation.

Personal data storage period

The administrator may store your personal data for no longer than 1 year from the date of notification to the system, unless the achievement of the purpose requires longer storage.

Data recipients

The personal data provided by you may be made available to the Komandor Smart Partner responsible for the possible place of implementation in order to prepare a quote and contact you. Additionally, they may be disclosed to entities cooperating with the Administrator on the basis of concluded contracts, in particular entities providing services: design, measurement, assembly, support for IT systems used to service customers, marketing, etc. Such entities process data on the basis of concluded contracts, in accordance with applicable laws and legal provisions regarding the protection of personal data.

We point out that if the Komandor Smart Partner or other recipients independently and on their own behalf collect personal data from you and, for example, offer products and services, they are a separate Data Administrator and, in this respect, bear their own responsibility for the processing of such personal data , not subject to the terms of our Policy.

Rights related to the processing of personal data

You have the following rights related to the processing of personal data:
a. the right to access your personal data,
b. the right to request the correction of your personal data,
c. the right to request the deletion of your personal data,
d. the right to request restriction of the processing of your personal data,
e. the right to object to the processing of your data due to your special situation – in cases where we process your data on the basis of our legitimate interest,
f. the right to transfer your personal data, i.e. the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used machine-readable IT format. You have the right to transfer personal data only with respect to data that we process on the basis of your consent,
g. the right to withdraw consent to data processing.

The above rights can be exercised by contacting the Administrator. Please be advised that the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing of your data which was carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority responsible for the protection of personal data, i.e. the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.

Privacy policy:

I have read the privacy policy. I provided personal data voluntarily.

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